
Just read an interesting article called ‘Twitter as a Learning Tool.Really’ here http://www.astd.org/LC/2009/0409_galagan.htm. The author makes some interesting points about Twitter as a corporate and professional development tool.

Learning 2.0

I think of our library’s Learning 2.0 program like a book club – we may not all love every book (or application in the case of L 2.0) but the fact that we are members means we should approach them all with an open mind, try to understand as best we can, and then stick with the ones that work for us.


Twitter has me so intrigued – I have to admit my blog is now neglected. Twittering is so fast, so easy, and fascinating (for me at least). I read a quote (and I can’t rememebr where – sorry) that Facebook is about catching up with old connections but Twitter is about making new ones. True!

Talked to some library staff about the “Library Value Calculator ” which gives customers an insight into how much value they get from using a public library. It would be great to have our own on our library’s website!

Mosman Library have a great challenge happening for Library & Information Week. Check it out http://mosmanlibraryblogs.com/challenge/

I have to get over feeling guilty at blogging and twittering in work time – it’s all part of learning new skills and we really do have management’s approval to spend 15 minutes a day at it 🙂

I am trying to figure out how to import some of the widgets from http://www.widgetbox.com into my blog page – so far no luck. Can anyone help me with this?

When did the hyphen go out of fashion? My new job title is Coordinator Customer Service & Operations. It doesn’t look right. Shouldn’t it be Co-ordinator? And what about cooperate. That sounds like someone is half better but not quite recuperated yet…I can hear the doc saying: “In order to recuperate you have to cooperate” Seems wrong. Bring back the hyphen I say.

my name

I  should point out that my political views are my own, and that my blog name comes from an encounter I had with a library patron who accused me of being left-wing because I refused his request to withdraw a book from our collection. He was quite taken aback when I told him that (IMHO) to accuse a librarian of being leftwing because s/he had a balanced collection was in fact a compliment.